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I enjoy working with Alex and so does everyone I recommend Alex and team to - Rachel B., California individual

You are unique, and so should be your tax advice. Our team can provide you with personalized tax planning, tax strategy, and tax compliance. Our tax advice is proactive, and recommendations are tailored to your specific needs.

All businesses need accurate bookkeeping, accounting, and tax advice to make sure they have the information needed to make proper business decisions. We can provide a complete solution for your business’s tax and accounting needs to help you avoid spending precious time on coordination between multiple service providers.

Clients we serve
- Individuals with Equity Compensation
- High Net Worth Individuals
- Ultra High Net Worth Individuals
- High Income Professional
- Venture Backed Companies
- Professional Services
- Marketing Agencies
- E-commerce (DTC/FBA/FBM)
- Web3 / Crypto
Individuals with Equity Compensation
Individuals compensated with ISOs, NSOs, and RSUs have unique tax planning, tax strategy, and tax compliance needs, as well as optimization opportunities:
- 83(b) strategies, QSBS maximization strategies
- AMT minimization and utilization needs
- Overall tax minimization strategies

High Net Worth Individuals
High Net Worth Individuals have particular complexities, especially around compliance needs, that can become costly if not addressed properly:
- Estimated quarterly tax planning
- Cash flow optimization
- Complex investments and reporting requirements

Ultra High Net Worth Individuals
Ultra High Net Worth Individuals tax needs scale with the amount of income and assets they have, and are unique to each family:
- Multistate planning and reporting needs
- Multiyear family tax planning needs
- Multigenerational assets planning opportunities and needs

High Income Professional
Whether you are a law firm partner, a medical professional (doctor, dentist, private practice owner), or a finance professional, there are particular complexities that require careful planning:
- Multistate planning and reporting needs
- Multiyear family tax planning needs
- Estimated quarterly tax planning with cash flow factored in

Venture Backed Companies
The needs and expectations of high growth venture backed companies are very different from those of more traditional companies:
- Identification of tax credits applicable to your business beyond R&D credit
- Solving complex tax issues resulting from remote teams and clients across the nation
- Using our extensive experience to make sure you are Audit, M&A or IPO ready

Professional Services
Professional service companies, from law firms to wealth management firms, doctors, dentists, and other medical professionals, have specific needs:
- Identification of credits applicable to your business beyond R&D credit
- High margin or irregular cash flows require careful planning to make sure clients are able to maintain their lifestyles, and provide opportunities for tax savings
- Making sure the financial and operational systems are in place to help you scale

Marketing Agencies
Marketing agencies are unique opportunities to provide great services to clients while also optimizing their returns and margins:
- Management and advice on financial reporting requirements specific to marketing agencies
- Managing seasonality of work and cash flow and their impacts on hiring and structuring of compensation
- Bespoke approaches to identifying additional margin while providing consistent service to clients is critical

E-commerce (DTC/FBA/FBM)
E-commerce businesses and operators worry about a lot of different financial factors from cash flow to taxes or trying to anticipate future trends. We are here to help remove the financial and tax headaches:
- Cash flow planning and projections
- Multistate tax reporting and compliance
- Making introductions for business transactions

Web3 / Crypto
Web3 / Crypto companies and individuals operate in a rapidly evolving regulatory landscape, which requires a different accounting approach and an understanding of the Web3 / Crypto environment:
- Proper technology stack understanding in order to read the blockchain
- Proper accounting and tax reporting depending on activities done on the blockchain, i.e. artists, stacking, investor / trading, etc.
- Understanding the difference between individuals and businesses for the purposes of tax optimization

as seen quoted in

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